2021 Sponsors & Supporters
Individuals, Businesses and Organizations help to provide the much-needed financial support that enables us to serve our brave and
dedicated members. We are proud to have the following companies committed to the missions and programs of the
Red Knights MC GA Chapter 20
AIR MED CARE / AIR EVAC LIFETEAMContact: Victor DrawdyPhone: 855-408-3787 Click Here for Website
BRUNSWICK FIRE DEPARTMENTContact: Randy D. MobleyTitle: Fire ChiefPhone: 912-267-5550Email: rmobley@cityofbrunswick-ga.govClick Here for Website
CAPITAL CITY HOME LOANSContact: Stephen Moreno, IVTitle: Mortgage Consultant / Sales ManagerPhone: 912-771-2115Email: smoreno@cchl.comClick Here for Website
COASTAL SEW & VACContact: Leo FincherTitle: Owner / OperatorPhone: 912-261-2175Email: coastalsewvac@gmail.comClick Here for Website
CUSTOM TREE WORKSContact: Jon CollettTitle: Owner / OperatorMobile: 912-230-3679Email: customtreeworks@hotmail.comClick Here for Website
CVS PHARMACYContact: Diane Stewart Click Here for Website
GLYNN COUNTY FIRE RESCUEContact: Randolph K. JordanTitle: Fire ChiefPhone: 912-554-7779Email: gcfdadmin@glynncounty-ga.govClick Here for Website
GOLDEN ISLES EMERALD SOCIETYContact: Brian Jersey GuentherTitle: PresidentMobile: 908-290-734710Email: goldenislesemeralds@gmail.comClick Here for Website
GOLDEN ISLES EMSContact: Tommy DixonTitle: EMTPhone: 800-229-6671 Click Here for Website
GOLDEN ISLES HARLEY-DAVIDSONContact: Brian StewartTitle: Parts AssociatePhone: 912-280-0448Click Here for Website
H & H LIFESTYLESContact: Chris WallTitle: Low Voltage Tech.Phone: 912-265-8100Email: customerservice@hhlifestyles.netClick Here for Website
HASTINGS AUTOMOTIVEContact: Billy HastingsTitle: Owner / OperatorPhone: 912-571-0034Email: hastingsautomotive@outlook.comClick Here for Website
HOLTZMAN INSURANCE AGENCYContact: Sheila AmickPhone: 912-368-2600 Click Here for Website
LAW TIGERS MOTORCYCLE LAWYERSContact: Steven KentTitle: Georgia Marketing ManagerMobile: 404-368-2575Email: stevenk@lawtigers.comClick Here for Website
MARSHLAND CREDIT UNIONContact: Yvonne DixonTitle: Branch ManagerPhone: 912-279-2072Email: ydixon@marshlandfcu.coopClick Here for Website
MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENT INJURY ATTORNEYContact: Charles W. WatwoodPhone: 770-650-0016Email: kwlawbike@aol.comClick Here for Website
PREMIER PRINTINGContact: Richard DavisTitle: OwnerPhone: 912-265-9836Email: richard@premierdigitalandprint.comClick Here for Website
SERVICE MASTER RESTORATION BY A1Contact: Trena Smith-SmythTitle: Marketing and SalesPhone: 912-638-1498, Mobile: 912-506-4440Email: office@a1emergency.comClick Here for Website
SOUTHERN BIKER GEARContact: Raymond AltmanTitle: Owner / OperatorPhone: 912-228-5252Email: ray@southernbikergear.comClick Here for Website
USSERY / RULE ARCHITECTS, P.C.Contact: Joe CombsTitle: Contract AdministratorPhone: 912-638-6688, Mobile: 912-222-9494Email: jcombs@urarch.comClick Here for Website
WE THE PEOPLE WOODWORKS LLCContact: Tom BrannenTitle: Owner / OperatorPhone: 912-424-3550Email: tombrannen@yahoo.comClick Here for Website
YATES-ASTRO TERMITE & PEST CONTROLContact: Brett MinnisTitle: Termite & Pest Control TechnicianPhone: 912-265-1577Click Here for Website
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